All my books are in an easy to read E-Book format.

How to Get Your Hands on These Masterpieces: Becoming the proud owner of Andre Beaulne’s extraordinary creations is a breeze! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Explore Andre’s captivating portfolio on his website at
  2. Choose your favorite tango mystery book.
  3. Reach out to Andre via email at to inquire about availability and pricing.
  4. Complete your purchase by sending an e-transfer directly to the author.
  5. E-transfer:

I’m thrilled to inform you that I can send you an exciting flip book version, which can also be easily downloaded as a PDF file for your convenience. This way, you can enjoy it on any of your devices.

Join Us in Celebrating Local Creativity: Don’t miss this chance to own a unique piece of tango-inspired artistry and contribute to the flourishing local arts scene. Share this post with your fellow book enthusiasts and help us rally behind Andre’s exceptional talent!

Thank you for supporting local creativity and fueling the imagination! 📚🎨 #SupportLocalArt #TangoMysteries #LocalTalent